Dr. Francine Wein
Ophthalmologist - MD FRCSC
Dr. Francine Wein is an experienced ophthalmologist based in Montreal, specializing in neuro-ophthalmology and complex vision disorders. With a reputation for thorough examinations and compassionate care, she has been recognized for her dedication to her patients’ health and well-being. Dr. Wein has played a critical role in diagnosing and treating severe cases, including sight-threatening conditions, earning the trust and gratitude of her patients and their families.
In addition to her clinical expertise, Dr. Wein is commended for her proactive approach to patient care. Known for her accessibility, she has gone out of her way to provide timely follow-ups and coordinate necessary medical interventions, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Her extensive knowledge and commitment to excellence make her a respected figure in the field of ophthalmology.

We look forward to building a relationship with you that lasts a lifetime, helping you see the world in a whole new way!
Schedule an appointment today to experience VisionPros’ compassionate, personalized approach to eye care.